Home > Artworks > Dionisio Antonio Blanco Nina

Photo of Dionisio Antonio Blanco Nina Dominican Republic

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STUDIES 1970-1974 Study in the National School of Fine Arts in Santo Domingo, 1974-1977 work in the museum of history and geography of Santo Domingo. 1974-1978, professor of drawing in art school Cndido Bido. 1977-1979 working at the Museum of Dominican Man. 1978-1982 Working as a draftsman in the Public Works and the architect Eugenio Prez Montas in remodeling projects in the Colonial City of Santo Domingo. 1978-1996,...

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Photo of Dionisio Antonio Blanco Nina Dominican Republic

STUDIES 1970-1974 Study in the National School of Fine Arts in Santo Domingo, 1974-1977 work in the museum of history and geography of Santo Domingo. 1974-1978, professor of drawing in art school Cndido Bido. 1977-1979 working at the Museum of Dominican Man. 1978-1982 Working as a draftsman in the Public Works and the architect Eugenio Prez Montas in remodeling projects in the Colonial City of Santo Domingo. 1978-1996, Professor of Drawing in the Art School of the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Architecture of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo. A member of the international association of art critics. 1978 SOLO Galera Auffant of Santo Domingo, DR. 1984 Volunteer of the museum of the royal house, Bastidas Casa Santo Domingo, DR. 1987Jadite Galleries of New York, USA. 1983-1991 Antolgica Exhibition, Museum of Modern Art in Santo Domingo, DR. 1992 Jadite Galleries in New York, USA. 1993 Barnard-Biderman Fine Art, New York, USA. The Embassy 1993 International Gallery of Art in Coral Gables, Florida, USA. Nora 1994 Art Gallery of Jerusalem, Israel. 1994 Waterfront Gallery, Belgium. Nicols 1994 Art Gallery in Miami, Florida, USA. 1995 New World Gallery, Germany. Vanity Galera 1996 Miami, Florida, USA. 1996 Barnard-Biderman Fine Art, New York, USA. 1997 The Embassy Gallery of International Art in Coral Gables, Florida, USA. 1997 Museo de Arte Moderno de Santo Domingo, DR. Gallery 1997 New World, Germany. 1998 The Embassy Gallery of International Art in Coral Gables, Florida, USA. 1999 Latin American Festival in Milan, Italy. Expo 2002-IV International Book Fair of Santo Domingo, DR. Expo 2002 Altos de Chavin Cultural Foundation of the Roman, RD. GROUP EXHIBITION 1981 Third Bienal Iberoamericana de Arte, Mexico City. 1981 Collective exhibition at the Dominican Embassy in Paris, France. 1983 Art Dominican Galera Pro-Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. 1985 XVIII Bienal de Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1986 International Exhibition in the Gallery of the Municipality of Jerusalem, Israel. 1987 Museum of Art and History of San Juan, Puerto Rico International Praxis Galera 1988 Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1988 Contemporary Latn-American Group, Jadite Galleries in New York, USA 1988-1989-1991-1992-1994 Latn American Art Sothebys New York, USA. 1990 XIII, XIV, XV and XVI National Biennial of Plastic Arts, E. contest Len Jimnez in Sto. Dgo, RD 1991 Art Fair in Chicago, USA. 1991 Art Fair in galley Nader, Miami, Florida, USA. 1992 Dominican Painting in Contemporary Artists' House Jerusalem, Israel. Latn 1993 American Art Exposition and Action, Sterling Art Gallery, Florida, USA. Art Fair 1993 Venezuela. 1993 Kendall Regional Medical Center in Miami. Auction of Latin American Art 1994-1996, Gary Nader Fine Art, Miami, USA. 1997 First Contemporary Art Meeting Dominico-Italian, Latin American Institute, Rome Italy. 1998 Museum of Contemporary Art Collective, Washington, DC 1999 Collective National Press Club in Washington, DC AWARDS AND HONORS 1971 First prize for drawing in the National School of Fine Arts, 1972 Honorable Mention in Painting at the National Art School Arts. 1973 First prize for painting at the National School of Fine Arts. 1975 Second prize for painting at the national student art competition, sponsored by The Royal Bank of Canadde Santo Domingo. 1978 First prize for drawing in the annual competition of Casa of Spain. 1984 National Design Award of the Sixteenth Biennial of Plastic Arts. 1986 Invited to the international gathering of artists in Israel by the Central Institute for Foreign Cultural Israel, Iberoamrica, Spain and Portugal. 1989 Invited by the Foundation Colony of Artists of New York to Johnson, Vermont and the department state of the United States within the international visitors program. 1997 Certificate of Merit, for Edhud Olmert, Mayor of Jerusalem, in recognition of its contribution Jerusalem. 1998 Invited by the Italo-Latin American Institute of Rome to the Venice Biennale. 1999 National Award for the best criticism of Dominican artists collective exhibition in the exterior

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